Thursday 19th October 2023

MAT Paper

Uni & Uni Admissions > MAT, STEP and TMUA


The MAT is a paper-based exam lasting 2 hour 30 minutes and consists of 7 questions, of which one should answer 5 depending on the subject you’re applying for. The following universities use this exam:

  • University of Oxford

  • Imperial College

  • University of Warwick

  • University of Durham

  • University of Bath

Candidates intending to apply for entry to the following courses at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London are required to take the MAT. Oxford university uses the MAT for Mathematics, Computer Science and joint degrees at Oxford University. Imperial College London uses the MAT for all of its undergraduate Mathematics course applicants. For candidates applying to the University of Warwick, taking the test is encouraged.

The MAT syllabus is based on the first year of A level Maths, and a few topics from the fourth term of A level Maths which we think students will have covered by the time of the test. There is no "pass" mark for the MAT; universities use the information from the test together with all the details a students UCAS application and information about school background to decide who to shortlist. No calculators, formula sheets or dictionaries are permitted during the test. Space is provided throughout the test paper for your solutions, and there are spare blank pages at the end of the test paper for you to continue if necessary. Further credit cannot be gained by attempting questions other than those appropriate to the degree applied for. Exam technique

  • Don't leave any multiple-choice blank.
  • Write down your thinking - the papers are marked by humans
  • Don't get too stuck on one question, move on and come back
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