A-Level > Past Papers

Edexcel (UK)

Edexcel A Level Maths past exam papers and mark schemes.   Every single Edexcel Maths past paper, mark scheme and mock that exists can be found below.  There are also model answers/worked solutions for all papers.   The Edexcel A Level Maths June 2023 and June 2024 papers are locked due to being used in school for mocks. 

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Legacy Papers

All older legacy papers (pre-2017) are also available. Look for the folders prefixed with old. The course used to be modular, but the syllabus changed in 2017.  

  • The Old C1 and Old C2 modules are like the current AS pure syllabus (not quite though as some topics like arithmetic and geometric series have been moved to year 2 now and also topics like exponentials and natural logarithm (ln) in the old C3 are now in the new AS)
  • The Old C1 and Old C2 modules are like the current AS pure syllabus (not quite though as some topics like arithmetic and geometric series have been moved to year 2 now and also topics like exponentials and natural logarithm (ln) in the old C3 are now in the new AS)
  • The Old C3 and Old C4 modules are very similar to the current A2 pure syllabus
  • The Old S1 module is similar to the current AS Statistics syllabus
  • The Old S2 module is similar to the current A2 Statistics syllabus (S2 has much more in it though like continuous distributions, Poisson, Poisson approximation to Binomial, Normal approximation to Poisson etc)
  • The Old M1 module is mostly like the new Mechanics AS and A2 syllabus (with a few extra things now added such as non-constant acceleration, moments with ladders, hinges etc)
  • The Old FP1, Old FP2, and Old FP3 modules are roughly covered in the new Further Core Pure 1 and Core Pure 2 syllabus. Most schools do Core Pure 1, Core Pure 2, FS1, FM1 and FM2.  Only specialist schools offer FP1, FP2 and FS2.  FP1 and FP2 offer topics such as groups and number theory which are taught at university.

The main difference between the new and old syllabus is that the latest syllabus has more modelling questions and definitely requires deeper thinking than the previous style of questions.
.You can download all Edexcel maths A-Level past papers and mark schemes by clicking on the folders below.  All papers are well organised and easy to navigate.

Paper Setup

Notice how there are some disallowed options for Further Maths. There are 10 allowed combinations which are either:

  • 2 papers suffixed with 1 - for example FP1 and FS1 is allowed, but FP1 and FS2 is not 
  • 2 twin papers with the same prefix - for example FS1 and FS2 

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